
Oro Valley



Problems with your face and jaw can lead to other issues with your oral health and your ability to speak and eat properly. They can also cause you to feel self-conscious about your appearance and have a negative impact on your self-esteem. Dr. Brett Barney, Dr. Jonathan Hall and Dr. Aaron Charpentier offer maxillofacial surgery to address these problems and improve your oral health and function.

Also known as jaw or orthognathic surgery, maxillofacial surgery is typically recommended to correct problems that cannot be resolved using more conservative treatment options, such as abnormalities in the teeth, jaws and facial bones. Surgical treatment is typically recommended when these abnormalities are causing problems that prevent you from speaking, chewing, sleeping or performing other routine activities with ease. Maxillofacial surgery makes these actions and activities more comfortable and may also improve your oral appearance and facial profile.

Our experienced dentists and team use the latest technologies, treatment techniques and materials when performing your procedure in order to ensure the best possible results. We will examine your mouth and jaw thoroughly prior to recommending surgery, including taking a panoramic-cephalometric X-ray, and will review all your options with you so that you can make an informed decision about your care. Prior to your procedure, we will review the details of your treatment so that you can feel comfortable and know what to expect. We will also provide you with post-op instructions to help you recover.

For more information about maxillofacial surgery in Tucson, Arizona, and to set up a consultation with our dentists, contact Desert Dental Group today at 520-663-0419.